Tog Kit


SKU: 647535714929 Category:


Tautog, Tautoga onitis, are sometimes called blackfish. Usually, anglers just call them tog. These fish can get almost 3′ and over 25lbs. Like sea bass, they prefer rocky areas, with lots of hard structure. Tog can usually be spotted darting in and out of rocks, and wrecks, ambushing small fish and crustaceans. They are a slow growing, long life fish, with research indicating larger fish can be over 30 years old. Because of their preferred habitat, anglers often end up getting snagged while targeting them. The DS Custom Tackle Tog Kit is built with this in mind. A complete set-up, the DS Custom Tackle Sea Bass Kit comes with 2, 60lb, double drop rig bodies, and 10 snelled bead hooks. To use, simply affix the rig body to your mainline using the pre-tied swivel, attach your sinker to the bottom loop, and cat’s-paw a snelled hook to each of the dropper loops. While unlikely, if an angler manages to break off on a snag, the rig body should stay intact and a new snelled hook can be put on.