Crane Swivel with Coastlock


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Crane Swivel with Coastlock Snap is a versatile fishing accessory that combines two essential features:

  1. Crane Swivel: This component minimizes line twists and tangles. It allows your fishing line to spin freely, reducing the chances of knots and snags. Crane swivels are particularly useful when using lures or rigs that tend to twist the line during retrieval.
  2. Coastlock Snap: The coastlock snap is an easy-to-use, secure connector. It allows you to quickly attach leaders, rigs, or lures without the need for re-tying knots. The coastlock snap ensures a strong and reliable connection between your mainline and leader, enhancing your fishing experience.

Additional information

Weight 1 oz
Dimensions 3 × 3 × 0.25 in

#6, #5, #4, #3, #2, #1, #1/0, #2/0